Company news => HKIE BioEngineering Roadshow |
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Published date: [9/24/2007]
Read [7015] times
Plasma Technology Limited and Plasma Laboratory of City University of Hong Kong were invited to be one of the exhibitors in the Biomedical Engineering RoadShow in Guangzhou, China, held from Sep 17 to Oct 19, 2007. The event was organized by the Biomedical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers to introduce professional services, R&D achievements of medical engineers, outstanding engineering competence of the local medical and healthcare device car tire inflator air compressor pump manufacturers, as well as supports from the Government and NGOs to the advancement of biomedical engineering in Hong Kong. The RoadShow was held in the form of poster display, with a target of 50 posters exhibited in Jinan University, Sun Yat-Sen University, and South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China. The exhibition provided a platform for communication with overseas and local biomedical engineers, medical service manufacturers. and researchers.