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 Company news => MAO System Installation in The Philippines Print】 【Back
Published date: [9/12/2022]    Read [1237] times
    Our engineers had finished installation and training of 24kW Micro Arc Oxidation MAO System in University of the Philippines Diliman which is located in Manila, Philippines.The system is composed of 24kW Micro Arc Oxidation MAO power supply, oxidation tank and chiller. Manila is a beautiful and meaningful city. It is the capital of the Philippines. There are beautiful Churches, colorful vehicles, long beach, easy access of aircraft to different islands. _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片 _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片 _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片 _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片 _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片 _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片 _________________________________________________________________ 按此在新窗口浏览图片
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