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Research Highlights
 Research Highlights => Silicon Carbide Nanocrystal Print】 【Back
Published date: [7/19/2010]    Read [8208] times
    The research work on luminescence of cubic silicon carbide nanocrystal conducted by Plasma Laboratory in City University of Hong Kong has been reported with " NANOCRYSTALS - Broad and Stable Emission " in Nature Photonics, vol. 4, p. 265 (May 2010). The related article is published in J. Wang, S. J. Xiong, X. L. Wu, T. H. Li, and P. K. Chu, " Glycerin-Bonded 3C-SiC Nanocrystal Solid Films Exhibiting Broad and Stable Violet to Blue-Green Emission ", Nano Letters, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1466-1471 (2010).
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