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  Sputtering Targets >> Sputtering Targets A-E

Sputtering Targets A-E


We offer pure elements, compounds, alloys, ceramics, intermetallics, and mixtures with high purities and quality for R&D and Production applications. Products are widely used in electronics, semiconductor, flat panel display, magneto-optical recording medium, solar photovoltaic and functional coating etc.


We also provide in-house sputter target bonding services by either standard and custom backing plate or copper foil bonding.


If the materials you are seeking are not listed, please email us your requirements as custom projects are our specialty.



Target Name                                Purity

Ag                                                    99.99%

Al                                                     99.999%

AlCu                                                99.99%

AlSi                                                  99.99%

Al2O3                                              99.95%

Al2S3                                               99.95%

AlN                                                  99.99%

AlSi                                                  99.99%

As2Se3                                            99.95%

As2Te3                                            99.95%

Au                                                    99.99%

AuGe                                               99.99%

AuPd                                               99.99%

AuSn                                               99.99%

AZO                                                99.95%

B                                                      99.9%

B4C                                                 99.95%

Ba                                                    99.9%

BaO                                                 99.99%

BaSrTiO                                          99.95%

BaTiO3                                            99.95%

Bi                                                     99.99%

Bi2O3                                              99.99%

Bi4Ti3O12                                      99.95%

BiFeO3                                            99.99%

Bi2Se3                                             99.95%

BiVO4                                             99.95%

BN                                                   99.95%

C                                                      99.999%

Ca                                                    99.95%

CaF2                                                99.99%

CaHfO3                                           99.95%

CaO                                                 99.99%

Cd                                                    99.99%

Cd2SnO4                                         99.99%

CdO                                                 99.99%

CdS                                                 99.95%

CdSn                                               99.95%

CdTe                                               99.95%

Ce                                                    99.95%

CeO2                                               99.99%

Co                                                    99.95%

CoNi                                                99.99%

Co2Fe                                              99.95%

Co3O4                                             99.99%

CoCrHf                                            99.95%

CoCrPt                                            99.95%

CoFe                                               99.95%

CoFe2O4                                        99.99%

CoFeB                                            99.99%

CoFeO4                                          99.95%

CoPt                                                99.95%

CoTaZr                                           99.95%

CoTb                                               99.95%

Cr                                                    99.95%

Cr2N                                               99.95%

Cr2O3                                             99.99%

Cr3C2                                             99.95%

CrO3                                               99.95%

CrSi2                                               99.95%

Cu                                                    99.99%

Cu2O                                               99.99%

Cu2S                                                99.99%

Cu2ZnSnS4                                     99.95%

CuGa                                               99.99%

CuO                                                 99.99%

CuO2                                               99.95% 

Dy2O3                                             99.99%

Er                                                     99.95%

Er2O3                                              99.99%

Eu                                                    99.99%

Eu2O3                                             99.95% 



Bonding is recommended for ceramic materials. Many ceramic materials have characteristics which are not amenable to sputtering, such as, brittleness and low thermal conductivity. A low thermal conductive target is susceptible to thermal shock and target crack may occur during sputtering process. Bonded targets can usually continue to be used even after a target crack occurs. Besides, the bonded ceramic targets can be cooled more efficiently as thinner target can transfer heat faster to the copper backing plate for heat dissipation. Usually, the thickness of the target is reduced to half when it is bonded to a backing plate and the copper backing plate comprises the other half of the thickness.

Need help?

Contact an Material Specialist by sending an Email to PTL or call 852-98814818.

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Sputtering Targets F-L

Sputtering Targets M-R

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