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  Sputtering Targets >> Sputtering Targets S-Z

Sputtering Targets S-Z




We offer pure elements, compounds, alloys, ceramics, intermetallics, and mixtures with high purities and quality for R&D and Production applications. Products are widely used in electronics, semiconductor, flat panel display, magneto-optical recording medium, solar photovoltaic and functional coating etc.


We also provide in-house sputter target bonding services by either standard and custom backing plate or copper foil bonding.


If the materials you are seeking are not listed, please email us your requirements as custom projects are our specialty.



Target Name                                 Purity

Sb                                                     99.95%

Sb2Se3                                             99.999%

Sb2Te3                                             99.999%

Sc                                                      99.95%

Se                                                      99.99%

Si                                                       99.999%

SiGe                                                  99.99%

Si3N4                                                99.95%

SiC                                                    99.99%

SiCr                                                  99.95%

SiO                                                   99.99%

SiO2                                                 99.995%

Sm                                                    99.99%

Sm2O3                                             99.99%

SmNiO3                                           99.95%

Sn                                                     99.99%

SnTe                                                 99.999%

SnO2                                                99.99%

SnTiO3                                            99.95%

SnZn                                                99.95%

Sr                                                      99.99%

SrO                                                   99.99%

SrRuO3                                            99.99%

SrTiO3                                             99.999% 

Ta                                                     99.99%

Ta2O5                                              99.99%

TaC                                                  99.99% 

TaN                                                  99.99%

TaSi2                                               99.99%

Tb                                                     99.99%

Tb2O3                                              99.99% 

Tb4O7                                              99.99%

Te                                                     99.99%

Ti                                                      99.99%

Ti2O3                                               99.99%

TiAl                                                  99.99%

TiB2                                                 99.99%

TiC                                                   99.99%

TiN                                                   99.95% 

TiNTiO2                                          99.95%

TiO                                                   99.95%

TiO2                                                 99.95%

TiO2Fe                                             99.95%

TiO2Nb                                            99.95%

TiSi2                                                 99.999%

TiW                                                  99.99%

V                                                       99.99%

V2O3                                                99.99%

V2O5                                                99.99%

VC                                                    99.99%

VN                                                    99.99%

VO2                                                  99.99%

VO5                                                  99.95%

W                                                      99.99%

WTi                                                  99.95%

WC                                                   99.99%

WO3                                                 99.99%

WSi2                                                99.95%

Y                                                      99.99%

Y2O3                                               99.99%

Yb                                                    99.99% 

Yb2O3                                             99.95%

YBa2Cu3O7                                    99.95%

YBCO                                              99.95%

YIG                                                  99.999% 

YSZ                                                  99.95%

Zn                                                     99.99%

ZnAl                                                 99.95%

ZnCo                                                99.95%

ZnMgO2                                          99.95%

ZnO                                                  99.95%

ZnOGa                                             99.95%

ZnOGa2O3                                      99.95%

ZnOSnO2                                        99.95%

ZnS                                                   99.9% 

ZnSCdS                                            99.95%

ZnSe                                                 99.99%

ZnTe                                                99.999%

Zr                                                      99.99%

ZrB2                                                 99.95%

ZrC                                                   99.95%

ZrN                                                   99.95%

ZrO2                                                 99.99%

ZrO2Y2O3                                       99.95%

ZTO                                                  99.95%

ZTSO                                               99.95%



Bonding is recommended for ceramic materials. Many ceramic materials have characteristics which are not amenable to sputtering, such as, brittleness and low thermal conductivity. A low thermal conductive target is susceptible to thermal shock and target crack may occur during sputtering process. Bonded targets can usually continue to be used even after a target crack occurs. Besides, the bonded ceramic targets can be cooled more efficiently as thinner target can transfer heat faster to the copper backing plate for heat dissipation. Usually, the thickness of the target is reduced to half when it is bonded to a backing plate and the copper backing plate comprises the other half of the thickness.

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Contact an Material Specialist by sending an Email to PTL or call 852-98814818.

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Sputtering Targets A-E

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